Christmas in Darwin

Wrap Up: 2023 A Very Darwin Christmas Pageant

Written by
Christmas Elves
Read time
2 minutes

One balmy Saturday afternoon, in the heart of Darwin City, a magical celebration unfolded – the second annual A Very Darwin Christmas Pageant!

It was a very Darwin Christmas indeed as more than 13,000 attendees watched as 45 community-led floats danced, walked and paraded through our streets.

This year’s Pageant had a giant gingerbread man, a karaoke spectacle, boats, and a colossal laksa bowl.

A ‘variety’ of cars, rollerblades and go karts were crowd favourites, adding action and excitement to the pageant.

The walking floats also brought the streets alive with colourful dancers, giant walking presents, angelic angels and even a special appearance from a superstar from under the sea – Sharkira!

Gracing the Pageant as the final float was the merriest man himself, all the way from the North Pole – Santa Claus!The post-parade activities continued the Christmas hype, with the baby ballerinas and enchanting entertainers transforming the streets into a spontaneous Christmas dance party. As the night fell, The City of Darwin Lord Mayor officially lit up the iconic Smith Street Mall Christmas tree, marking the start of the festive season in Darwin City.

Beyond the lights and performances, the true magic lies in the smiles. Faces young and old radiated joy, reflecting the spirit of community and togetherness – the true essence of A Very Darwin Christmas.

We cannot wait to bring the A Very Darwin Christmas Pageant back in November 2024.

Have a very merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year!